

The Rohingya people left everything behind and came to Bangladesh with nothing except the clothes on their backs and thus it is a common sight to see children wear worn down clothing that barely serves the purpose. They cannot experience anything close to the comfort we feel in our homes because they have a hard floor for a bed, flimsy plastic for sheets and rags as blankets. We can never imagine a life like that for ourselves and our families, yet this is their everyday life. No comfort of a heater or air conditioning. They live solely in the mercy of nature.

Thus, when January and February, which are the coldest months of Bangladesh arrive, they have no protection from the relentless cold. With night-time temperatures falling as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10°C) and no proper shelter, warm clothes or fuel for heating, these helpless refugee families can only hope for us to help. We have been making an effort to assist with their urgent need of clothes and blankets to keep themselves and their families warm which is only possible due to your generosity.

In collaboration with BASMAH USA we have distributed more than 10000 blankets to Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshi Locals in the winter of 2018-2019.

And this year, 2019-2020, The warm cloths like blanket, sweater, Chuddar/sheet distribution effort is still running in Rohingya refugee camps and local rural area in Bangladesh where people suffer a lot in winter. More than 20,000 families were benefitted this year from this project.